Day 3 - Your book exercise

Getting connected to writing your non-fiction book

One of the best ways to get connected to writing your book is to try this fun and very simple exercise.

Try to not think too much, just write.

You know that you have a book inside of you, it is just waiting to be unleashed.

Imagine how it would feel to know what your next book is – just like that.

Grab yourself a piece of A4 paper and a pen and let’s go!

There are four steps to this

1. Write the title without thinking

2. What will my reader get from this book?

3. Why will my reader want to read it?

4. Describe the book (read about the back blurb first

What next?

When finding the book in you, you need to ask yourself how much do you want to write a book, one which will help you to share your inspirational message and build your brand?

My book exercise SWA.pdf
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