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Welcome and getting started
Introduction To WRITE!
Meet Dale Darley - your course facilitator (4:58)
How to get the most out of this course (6:53)
What's my book exercise - first steps to discovering your book (3:07)
Your book visualisation
Your Week of Observation
Introduction to planning (2:57)
About you as a planner and how to plan your book your way
How long will it really take to write your book? (6:40)
Hints and tips for the planner
What is IKIGAI? (9:31)
IKIGAI 4 questions (8:38)
Your Book Plan
Book Proposal (17:13)
The Publishing Process
How will you publish? What to consider and why? (8:38)
Book Proposal (17:13)
Your ideal reader
The Heart Spot (4:53)
My ideal reader (12:13)
Market Research On Amazon (1:13)
What Questions Is Your Reader Asking? (5:34)
Map the customer journey (4:56)
Outlining your book
Let's talk outlining (4:24)
What is an outline? (2:07)
DEMO: The outline in WORD (3:09)
Visualisation to find your book's outline
DEMO: Step it out exercise to intuitively discover your outline and content (1:39)
DEMO: Mind mapping your outline (1:30)
Making sense of your outline - the rough synopsis (4:09)
Your personal story (9:12)
Trello (2:15)
Chapter Frameworks
Chapter frameworks (10:04)
Creating a detailed outline - chapter subheadings (7:10)
DEMO: The Knowledge Audit (7:55)
Knowledge audit - assessing the gaps (5:17)
First chapter trial write (4:53)
Chapter storyboard
DEMO: Recording your chapter framework (2:52)
Actions and checklists - your chapter framework
Get writing
Let's make a date (2:19)
Get writing - before you start (3:46)
DEMO: WORD - design, style sheets and the navigation pane (10:53)
What can I repurpose? (3:05)
Getting to first draft (6:23)
Ways to get to first draft (17:09)
Is this the right book? (7:17)
Other things to think about (5:04)
The writing tracker (6:21)
DEMO: The Excel Writing Tracker (4:45)
Engaging with your reader
Creating rapport with your reader (12:05)
Engaging with your readers - finding your voice (10:06)
Engaging with your readers - show don't tell (7:11)
Engaging with your reader - emotions (8:14)
Engaging with your reader - your first lines (4:13)
Editing and Proofing
Editing (9:52)
The editing process (7:47)
Editing - Making sense of your work (12:03)
Demo: WORD - Read aloud (2:22)
Editing - Words, spelling and grammar (7:23)
DEMO: Grammarly add-in (3:32)
Editing - Check your formatting (4:12)
Help I've got into a mess (7:02)
Finishing Touches - Margins, page numbers and table of contents
DEMO: Interior margins and book size (2:51)
DEMO: Page numbers (4:37)
DEMO: Table of contents (5:19)
DEMO: Word - your final checks (7:47)
Woohoo you are ready to publish (2:58)
DEMO: Getting Your ISBN Number (2:06)
Working with your proof reader, beta readers and editor
Working with your proof reader, beta readers and editor (6:38)
The Style Guide (1:47)
Finishing touches - Titles, cover and blurb
Titles and subtitles (13:26)
Cover design (11:36)
DEMO: Cover design specification (2:38)
Your book blurb (7:37)
Set up your Kindle Direct Publishing account (0:54)
Upload to Kindle Direct Publishing (6:07)
Ordering books (5:41)
Marketing Ideas
Business Model Canvas For Your Book (5:34)
What's next?
Thank You
Congratulations and what next
Congratulations and working with me
Other things to think about
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