About blog your book and welcome from Dale


This course has been designed to help you to discover the right book to write, develop an outline and create 30 blogs of 1000 words or more. By blogging consistently you will break the back of your book, gain feedback from your readers and be ready to edit your book.

You will also drive traffic to your site, convert that to leads or paying clients and get sign ups for your forthcoming book.

And best of all you will gain visibility and feedback on your ideas.

This is not a technical course, the focus is on your book and blogging it.

We look at some of the tools you will need, you may get these for free, have to make a small investment or you may have others that you already use.

A few techie bits are included so that you can make sure your blog is ready for the challenge of creating 30 blogs and getting your book ready to edit.

The best news is that you do not need a WordPress website to blog your book - that can come later.

The 30 blog challenge

Follow the course and get your book outlined, be blog ready and then start to blog your book.

Write 30 blogs. These can be done to suit you.

  • If you want to challenge yourself write and publish one blog a day
  • If that is too much how about one a day Monday to Friday and write a few more words?
  • Perhaps 2-3 a week works best for you?

No matter how you choose to do it, you will be getting your book written and your blog populated with opportunities to raise your profile, drive traffic and convert customers.

Read more in the lecture called the 30-day challenge.

Join me on Facebook

  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/SWAcademySupportGroup is the group where you post your blogs all year round. This is an open group and is designed for you to share your blogs and support your other bloggers who are writing a book

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